Monday, November 21, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 22nd november 2011

hi friends,
               I am overjoyed by the response from you and much obliged to see the comments keep them pouring.Keep the suggestions pouring.One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.

Back to the business,December series is recommended to ward of time premium and focus on the strategies.To be honest i didn't buyed nifty call 4600 in time as my money was locked up somewhere.But i had said either buy 4600 or sell 5200.So i sold 5200 calls and in the evening i was amazed at the fall.but nothing to worry as i said i also earned few bucks by end of day.

Those who listened to me to buy 4600 put in morning also earned atleast 30 % means 1 lakhs purchase at the end of day would make 1.3 lakhs.
As i said if we keep on watching the markets without entering then we are left with opportunity loss and it hurts to our minds.
4600 buy proved to be rich trade thanks for European markets whoever has messed with Europe and euro.

Going ahead 4600 if u r 3 lots in then exit two lots without being greedy.Keep one lot to till some more fall.
As i said we are at atleast intermediate bottom of this fall.Any sharp bounce we need to keep in mind,if u r playing with one lot left just relax u hv earned bucks lets hope for some more fall if we get bounce dont worry .we have November 8 days left before time premium will actually start biting us.

Dow jones rite now is in red.if ends in red we are falling again tomorrow.

If u are happy with the profits earned exit tomorrow.4600 put buyers.
If u can take some risks my previous posts for possible targets.
Those who have written 5200 calls like me exit when it hits 10rs.

Going ahead 4700 can be saved by writers or hedgers once again.But watch out 4700 everyone is holding it as last resort game.Any break of 4700 will be danger.
Neckline at 4600 to be watched as we are following long term any short term dma ,sma is not a worry for us.
As a option trader watch out for zone.overbot ,oversold or middle (danger zone)

so 5200 call writers if they hit 10 rs tomorrow. we will be left with very less options than to enter January series faar call.decide according to good price and resistance zone.

Buyers as we appraoch 4700 i really cant ask anyone to buy puts again more.It wll be either super winning trade or sucide.
So lets watch what we get of 4700.

we are going to hit a cluster of supports so if u want to be in trade all the time enter with some calls.But i am not going to do it unless i get confirmation at neckline.
But dont worry if u take risks u will be paid.

bye enjoy.


  1. Today I came to know about your blog and read couple of your articles. It looks intresting and would like learn the skill of selecting a trade. If possible please post trade how you have choosen and why you have selected 5200 Call and 4600 Put. Again in options right entry also important.

    thanks for your open mind to share on options trading.


  2. good going buddy, me too entered in 4900 ce @ 16, risky buy. let's see tomorrow 4700 levels shall held or taken out.

  3. @chenna:- As i said u need to keep track of previous posts.I may and may not get time to reply to everyone.
    5200 is a channel resistance at max it means any rally will last till 5200.After that it will fall so we write in hopes to get protected.
    @manish- great going.
