Sunday, November 27, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 28th november 2011

Thanks people as i said during day times i am at times unable to have access to some Internet sites so i am not able to give detailed updates.Plus traffic to the blog is very less rite now so i dont know at times i get no comments to at times 10 plus comments.

so daily updates will be helped if u people are sure of replying overwhelmingly then i can think of reading the blog on live basis.

comments to previous posts are replied

Now where are we on the picture overall.Members and few people who have just joined i just want to say you have joined in a so called recession period to be start it may be start of good times or calmness before a raging storm.

so i am advising caution and we have already made some winning trades but we cant go on winning streak all times.But staying away from turbulent markets is no good.There is some saying that we cant adjust the storm but we can surely adjust the sail and try to survive.But surely we are trying to come up with some game plan for success.

So those who have won until today i will say the real battle begins now.You are surely gonna need the expert advise.

So game plan is as follows.First of all.Markets flirting with 4700 is not a good sign. 4640 zone the neckline will not give up is my firm belief and i hope markets proves my theory right ,else i will have to rethink on strategies ahead but nifty below 4700 will be in a known zone.where support resistance are known.

Watch out markets are flirting with 4700 and start of new series so no major game plans will be in stores rite now for fii's.But 4640 zone frequent kissing is not a good sign a major support is usually kissed 3 times for max after which comes is decisive move.So now one more kiss and bounce means we will be on high alerts especially buyers of calls.

so 4900 call buyers ,i had already told u to enter with caution,some money in pocket traders who are in huge quantity can do square off even for 20% gains ,making loss making trades is useless idea.but for learning's its no worry.Make sure u r in such a money with which loosing will not matter.I have lost my own hard earned money but i hv no regrets i had made really bad trades in past but now i know where to take risk and where not.

We never know when suddenly FII will start feeling Indian policy like FDI will be good and buyin will come.

SO word of caution 4640 and below just exit calls whatever price it is .

So now i am feeling a bounce but when cant be said so 4300 put writing continues only if we are below 4750 else no new fresh entries.Call buying can be done 4900 only if below 4750.I would also recommend entering January series now.

You can also short outside calls higher than 5200.Once we get the bounce of 200 pts.

Still the same thing continues as i said dont enter in large quantities now.

bye tc


  1. Thanks sir for update
    i hav buy 1 lot 4900 nifty call@85 yest...i can hold for 1week . Thanks for ur tip

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you sir. Will the pullback continue. FII's are still net sellers.

  4. @mayuri:- great u can continue to hold.
    @dhana:-ya pullback will continue.

    Watch out for new post.


  5. What will be the status of nifty tomorrow?? Up or down and what is the next resistance for nifty 5000?? or before 5000 there is a resistance??

  6. @Vishal - As a Not so fast and furious intraday trader what i follow is that enter early in options and exit at the zone of resistance rather than exactly targetting the exact level.

    I have expressed my views in new post have a look

  7. Sir i had read ur 28 November post, Thanks for ur reply, actually i asked because i already have put with me, I thought u update this page daily for daily nifty levels but today on 29th also its showing 28th post.
