Monday, November 28, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 29th november 2011

hi friends,
               All those people who had dropped comments have been replied see the respective threads.
One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.
Please take some time to post link of my blog to forums or any social media you visit.
Going ahead 4300 put sellers as i said must be enjoying a lot.Same as 4900 Call Buyers are also enjoying. Neckline support is confirmed.

Going ahead call buyers can now ride the wave up but word of caution starts at 5000.I expect this rally to last till 5000 minimum.

So square off at that levels and i will tell you what to do next .Rite now nothing changes only one thing remains whatever u hv entered just hold for nifty till 5000 min.

Again i am not seeing that much traffic.Please add my blog to your blog list in profile as a favor to me.

enjoy happy trading.


  1. Hello WB,

    Well, I shall post your link in my FB account. Traffic will come automatically if your analysis is very good and people earn money consistently from your suggestions. Anyway, earlier you suggested that we should start squaring them starting @ 4900. Now there is target of 5000. Any reason for bumping up the target + 100 points? And one more question, Can we add 4900CE or 5000CE on dips?

  2. Thanks sir for update holding 4900 call

  3. I agree with Bulan. Me too wonders why there was a switch from profit booking at 4900 to 5000.

    One suggestion for improving the site: Can you turn off this word verification thing for posting comments. It is a huge turn off for most ppl.

  4. @Bulan Sarkar:- Thanks for your efforts.I will reply to your questions in new post very soon.

    @mayuri- great going.Read my new post soon on latest updates.

    @nifty:- your suggestion is incorporated.Again I will reply to the answer in the next post.

    Thanks and keep ur suggestions comming.

