Thursday, November 24, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 25th november 2011

hi friends,
              Things are going great till now hope u are following the blog and having nice run.we are purposely not entering the danger zone with any nasty trades.So be safe and enter safe.

One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.

One more request dont post comments as anonymous altho its enabled.If u have account post it in ur name.

Now going ahead looks like again 4640 zone hit and support taken and just hopes that no more turbulence is left in November.My charts speak of  bounce now I hope that u have entered 4300 put writing as safe bet.

Risk of buying calls like 4900 has reduced so now u can enter calls but not too much.when we will get reversal i cant say rite now..SO enter in turbulence climate wtih only 50% of ur capital.

Now going ahead trades are entering again 4300 only if not entered earlier December series or those who have already entered 4300 then they can enter 4900 calls December.Start of square off point is 4900 zone.where one small turbulence is expected.

watch out we need to cross 4710 and 4780 hurdles as early as possible else doom is inevitable.

be careful.

enjoy trading.



  1. Thank you sir for your blog

    can i purchase nifty dec 4900 call today and what should be stop loss

  2. Hello Buffet-Ji,

    Good morning. Looking at your blog for few days. Anyway, I could not enter 4300PE yesterday. Thinking of entering 4900CE today. One question is, in the long run, how can we use proper money-management to make profit to increase exponentially? Means, if we enter 4900CE today 1 lot, and it gives a profit, say double, in next trade, can we enter 2 lot?

  3. WB Ji, Sorry for posting anonymously yesterday. It was me. On your suggestion, today I sold 4300PE @ 45 and bought 4900CE @ 75, each 1 lot. Starting the journey with you from today. Thinking of devicing a money-manegement method like DDSMM Excel sheet.

  4. @mayuri:- I am at times not able to know whether people comment on regular basis so rite now i am not able to post live trade but we are not entering any fast and furious trade.I advise you to pls take some time to read few posts before that.Its ok if u dont got to enter.Monday if we dont gap up higher u can buy 4900 call if nifty is before 4740 level.

  5. @Bulan Sarkar :-replying to your first question regarding for options there is nothing like money management to increase profits exponentially.You have to just ensure that u make more number trades which are on winning side for first 3-4 years and even if u make less profits its ok.Derivatives are really destructive so minimize the greed for profits.I still loose a quite a lot profit for my greed.But its a learning.But now i have got the confidence to enter a large sum.Once later u enter in huge amounts u can tolerate mistakes.For options one usually have feeling of having earned less profit or squared off early.But make a habit of reducing greed and its when u start winning.We dont want to earn huge and screw earnining by one bad trade.

  6. @Bulan Sarkar:- You are welcome on board.All u need is to understand the feel of market.So i usually give some justification of my action.There will be times where markets will question your strategies and make u frustrated.You can carry any method or anything but derivatives are merciless and addictive at same time.SO try to keep things simpler.

  7. thanks sir for your reply

    your study is excellent
