Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 30th november 2011

Hi friends,

Comments for previous post are replied.

One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.

A long post but please read it.

I am most amazed at today's comments and i surely welcome them.I would want to highlight a story of the Man who had a hen which gave him

golden eggs.But one day he decided to have all eggs at once and what he had was a regret of lifetime.

People have tendency to do things like follow blindly and then end up joining the herd of sheeps.Sheeps in the herd blindly follow the next one

and if one at the front falls from the mountain everyone will fall.

I got a call from a friend in morning saying ..what kinda tips u are giving today u said that markets will rise and markets actually fell.This thing is

what i hate most.

Dont follow me blindly.We are on the winning page since 10 days .,that does not mean we will be always.If such thing wud happens everyone wud

give up doin efforts and do trading all the time.

So I want to classify two people on my site : 1)who are searching for tips and who will get screwed madly if my analysis fails someday and they

have entered big time..2)Who feel our flow is going on nicely and they are themselves doin some their research before entering the trade.If  u dont

know how to search i am trying to explain them day by day.

Options= PATIENCE. If u think that markets will rise or fall on our wish daily that is not gonna happen i have seen nifty doin time pass for 4

months where writers were winning .there was a time since two weeks buyers are winning.

So a good trader will listen to the leanings first and then get mastered himself.

what i am posting markets are behaving the same way but tomorrow if it doesn't we rethink our strategies.I make sure that we don't enter any Stop

loss making trades as options doesn't have stop loss I have seen days when i am holding call or put and i have won on the last day ,last hour of

expiry as i was firm on my analysis ,at times i have lost also big,so after that i decide to add such days to my rule book.

There may be a trend u have found out ,if any share it.

With options i am doing is following KISS strategy.Keep it straight and simple.

Moment we talk of levels then things start getting dangerous.I will talk levels only when i will be 100% sure.Rest times we are trying to enter and

catch zones from oversold to middle to overbot.

So until we are in form enjoy ,if we are not we have to wait.

In options if u dont get golden egg in one month.It will surely in next month.

Some 2 months back nifty was between 4700 to 5000 zone for 55 days before breakout happened and nifty ended to 4640 levels again.Those 55 days were really testing times for buyers.

Now getting back to our main topic of what we are doing tomorrow

There were few comments why we have change the focus of square off from 4900 to 5000 becos Nifty follows a particular behaviour and I wanted to confirm whether we have really made a reversal or it was just a fakeout.As we made a new high today i presume we are gonna go to 5000 so step by step we can decide whether we exit or wait.

Again i advise the same those who have money in their bags can wait to catch the tops but others start squaring off at the zone.

Again tommorow there mite be case that i say 5000 and it may go to 5200 but as a good trader a rally from 4640 neckline for 4900 call to todays high has already doubled his money.So how much greed u can tolerate its upto you.

One more thing is stop the regret of early square off .This hampers the trading as this leads to delay in square off further and thus ending up holding in loss.

Rest if we again fall tomorrow dont panic i had already mentioned in my previous posts we are in middle zone still so thus we are not entering in full throttle.So hold ur calls

4300 put writers continue to hold
4900 call buyers if u hv not entered earlier enter only if we get a fall.Else now there is no point entering new still u can but not more 2 lots.

IF we hit 500 kinda levels exit ur 90% of ur position keep limited for left over rally.

Lets see.

Hope u understand this.

happy trading keep ur suggestions ur knowledge ur trades as inputs and contribute.



  1. I got my answer. Thanks for your detailed explanation.

  2. Thanks sir for update holding 4900 call

  3. WB ji,

    Excellent post. Anyway, I added 1 more 4900CE today @ 75/- total 2 lots, seeing that NF retraces to 38.2 FIB Level, (from 2008 lowest to highest 6300level), and pullback in the hourly uptrend.

    Also setting up few collar trades. Let's see what happens by this expiry.

    May God Bless all of us.

  4. @nifty: welcome
    @mayuri:- great going.
    @bulan:-Nice to see u r using multiple indicators to confirm ur trades.
