Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 24th november 2011

hi friends,
               All those people who had dropped comments have been replied see the respective threads.
One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.

You call it technicals or co incidence but as i told neckline is at 4620-4650 zone in the Monday strategies post and classically we had bounce from 4640 levels.
Mutual funds have bot 950crores in cash so the bounce ,naturally that also i had explained in that post as we are at classic mutual fund buy levels.

Now i had told already that i will not advice anyone to buy puts unless we get confirmation.All call writers are still holding as 5200 call didnt hit 10 rs.Nothing much matters as even if u exit at 12 bucks is not a crime but that time we should have something to buy or write.

Simple thought markets has made new 2 years low.Markets are all below most moving averages.

But my charts show we are soon hitting the oversold zone so we expect a bounce now but when cant be said it can happen at 4500 or some fall to 4600 again and bounce.

So instead of bottom fishing we do simple trick to write 4300 December puts.
Risky traders(not me)  can start buyin close calls like 4700 call and expect some bounce rally to catch but this is like playing a casino chances of winning in this trade is 5%.One should assess his risks and decide.

Rest keep your replies comments and feedback pouring.



  1. Hello WB. Nice analysis. Well, the 4300PE DEC at around 48/- now. Should we start selling it now and more if market goes below...till which point?

  2. @anonymous:- again the same rules apply if u dont want to feel like left out of rally feeling make 50% purchases now and keep some more in case fall happens .

    now now one can sense if fall continues and whether there are going to be any pauses to this fall or be cautious dont make large entries.

    If we head into a recession scenario then no one will be saved total bloodbath can also happen so every step is gonna be cautious.

  3. good analysis.
    Please continue.
