Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 1st December 2011

Hi friends,
                 Nothing much has changed since yesterday.We are still slowly moving up or we may enter a consolidation period.One thing we need to watch is that December will start so those with December buy will slowly start feeling the pinch of time premium still a long time for expiry.
We are still keeping our first target as 5000 zone to exit.Once we reach 5000 zone we short 5400 calls but not rite now.

So 4300 put sellers exit at 10 bucks and if u want to be in trade write 5200 call December ..yes not January.

Buyers wait and watch nothing else we can do we will exit at top and decide whether we will open fresh shorts or what.Till then relax and enjoy

keep ur comments coming.

bye tc


  1. Fine sir.Pl alert us when 2 buy puts.Regds.

  2. Thanks sir for the update
    i see today nifty hiting 5000 mark so time to book profit now.
    Sir really congratz u ,as u predicted this level @4750 were tv analyst saying nifty will go to 4400.thanks once again

  3. Thanks for your tips. After a very long time,
    I am making money off somebody's tip.

    Although I had bought 3 lots of 4900CE, I dumped
    2 of those near the close yesterday (with around
    20 pt profits) as it seemed like nifty was
    trading within 4750-4860 range. Had I not dumped
    those, I would have made even greater profits.

  4. WB Ji and nifty...well I took a chance to hold 2 lots 4900CE yesterday. Bought average @ 85/- and today offload them @ 190/-. Money more than doubled in two days. nifty, do not be are still in profit. And this kind of situation will come again and again. What we need is patience and good advice from people like WB.

  5. WB Ji, today I setup a collar:

    Bot NF @ 5000
    Bot 5000PE @ 120.39
    Sold 5100CE @ 71.12

    I am well protected for any downmoves...much less loss...but seeing the overall upmove, if NF expires at or above 5100, I am in profit.

  6. @animoitra2011:- now we have even won in the middle zone where we get whipsaws so we need to be more cautious.Lets see whats in store.we need to have some profound answers.Look at my new posts.

  7. @animoitra2011:- thanks for ur efforts.

  8. @mayuri:- Welcome good to see you are earning bucks.It would be appreciable if u have my blog link in ur blog lists or ur social network,anywhere u visit most.

  9. @nifty:- This is exactly what i was saying in my long post a day before yesterday.The feeling of early regret of square off should just go out of your mind if u r not a cash rich trader.Just imagine a fall there wud had made u feel good but profit in hand is much good.No worries next time remember enter with 3 and keep 1 till last end of rally or enter 2 lots and keep 1 till last end of rally.

    U did the perfect thing.

  10. @Bulan Sarkar:- 190 was the awesome price exit you have got things right.
    You seems to got the strategy right but just remember your strategy is directed towards expiry so i advise u if u r winning the trades its ok but rather than that just target normal nifty zones rather than expiry at times people get butchered and end up earning money less than they cud had by just playin nifty buys or sell.You need to be aware that playin butterfly and something like that or even a good strategy is wonderful only if u are able to adjust the wings. If u r doing that wonderful else rethink on those strategies.

    If u r tryin to come up with ur own strategy u should go ahead as i believe in trying and fail rather than failing to try.

  11. @Warren Buffet:
    Dear Sir,

    I am new to your site & I am reading this site since last week. But fantastic job done by you. Now I am waiting for your call of when to buy puts.


  12. @Warren Buffet,

    Actually I was planning to buy nifty 5000 call when it was @55 but missed the rally.
