Thursday, December 1, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 2nd December 2011

Hi friends,
Comments for previous post are replied.

One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.
Awesome rally this is what i was talking of nifty behaviour.First Butcher the shorters with wings and in next shot cut their hands and legs to let them panic.

Some of u must had got out at exiting prices.4300 put writers must had exited as we hit 10 bucks.

As i said we have topped the middle zone where there was no consolidation at all.
Now we watch for a confirm break above 5100 or breakdown but again the same issue now persists how will we know whether we have topped out and we are gonna see some fall or we are gonna see start of new rally.

 We are gonna wait for some confirmation last time we went to this zone and again back to 4700 so caution ahead.I feel some steam is still left.We might go higher but how much cant be buying is strictly prohibited.

Still now I am sure of only one thing. fallin weekly trendline has holded nicely whose top zone resistance is at 5200 to 5300 zone.

so one can sell 5200 dec call that only guaranteed trade for tomorrow for some days once we reach that one can think of buyin puts.

Now we have to resolve whether markets come into new zone or again stray back in previous zone.

Wait and watch.

Happy trading.


  1. Thanks sir for the update

    i added link in facebook,orkut and yahoo account.

    Can nifty touch 5200 in dec series with 4870 as s.l

  2. thanks sir for ur guidance .........keep up the great work............
