Saturday, December 10, 2011

NIFTY OPTIONS trading strategies for 12th December 2011

hi friends,

One favour i always expect from you people.Please post my blog link on ur social network ,ur forums where u are members or share with ur family members.

your comments are replied in earlier posts.If not ask in any new threads.         

There is not point in coming up with some theory about why markets fell showing them on charts.This is what most analyst do.But we have to admit it markets fooled us.This fooling is not dangerous if it does not cost us more until time premium starts eating our cake.
Going ahead markets have not even reached the upper band of resistance on last occasion also and this is real bad and it is reversing even without touching the falling resistance band.

we have to understand one thing about world markets that until banks don't collapse there is nothing to worry.
During recession of 2008-09 banks gave up and when financial institutions fail then there is tragedy.Even if business doesn't work then its OK we may enter a phase of slow growth but until financial institutions don't fail we are safe and as such scene is not happening  so markets are not reacting to bad news so fast.

Now Overnight Dow Jones is up overnight so now again markets will fool short openers.Markets are set to blast up and donut know how much that blast is gonna last but just like markets acted last time first they butchered buyers with a fall 100 pts and next butchering by again 70 pts fall.

We can relax guys but this is dangerous for futures and they cause such swings as they have to run to cover.Now again if markets make mad rally on Monday of say 500 pts then shorters will be butchered.
So either side is getting screwed up and this is why i ask people to enter short qty in middle good learning.

Now going ahead my strategy looks simple looks like those band resistances are not gonna broken so easily.So as a safe bet i m gonna start selling 5400 CALL SELL JANUARY SERIES

Becos there is not point in predicting or analysing upside.

Mean time if i get a good confirmation i will surely tell u guys if u can buy puts .

I dont want  u to buy something and give away ur money to sellers.



  1. I am still holding 5100 call, what is the righ time to exit and sell 5400. 5150?

    Please suggest.

  2. @jay- I am also holding one can hold that call till 20th december.Becos after that time premium will act in full force.So on 20th december if markets have risen to ur levels exit else take whatever price as stop loss and enter new trade.

    5400 call writing can start from tommorow also if we get a good rise start selling one after another slowly so you can get a good average out ,and even if markets start falling you can benefit from that write.

    feeling of being left now will not come.

  3. Thanks sir for the update

    me too holding 5200 call and will wait still 20th dec

    thanks sir

  4. Thanks sir for the update

    me too holding 5200 call will exit if nifty hit 5150 by 20th dec.

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  6. Are you still holding the calls?
