Wednesday, December 14, 2011

NIFTY OPTIONS trading strategies for 14th December 2011

hi friends,

No post yesterday as i was not feeling well .Now many of buyer friends must had got now how difficult it is to buy options in sideways trending market.You dont know when u will get trapped and markets will reverse and so i will advise such guys to get into some selling mode also.

This is becos we dont know the upside potential buy we surely know what levels markets are not likely to go above/below(the strong resistances) and we sell such calls or vice versa sell such puts.

Now i am challenging the fact that markets will not make a new high considering its making a lower highs.So i am doing is writing 5100 CALL JANUARY SERIES.

Reason being 5100 was reversal point and markets mite continue to make lower highs so any rally should fizzle out below 5100 only.

Now buyers what can i say I am advising you not to enter but still if u want to do it then buy 4800 put.This is risky as markets can fool short people also.Take ur risk assessment and then enter.
Let us reach at really oversold of overbot levels and we will enter in huge quantity.

Happy trading.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    May God bless you.I think you may be well.I was waiting yesterday.Today I bought DEC 4900 CE.
    Happy Trading.
