Wednesday, December 14, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 15th December 2011

hi friends,
               I was looking at most of the indicators to really see if they work identifying the overbot or oversold levels and the answers is no.Most indicators actually spend some time at top and then fall down.Last fall was like indicator hit the overbot level and boom it went people were left hapless.

So now as i said i have challenged the fact that 5100 will not be in morning only i have sold 5100 call January series.

Buyers its really not the good time to buy still as i said 4800 buy was good call.

That earlier call holding will continue till 20th December.



  1. Sir i am holding 5100@49 10 rate@13....will i get my rate back...or should i book loss.plz suggest...i can wait still 22nnd dec

  2. @mayuri :- No offence ment while saying this but you have taken quite a lot of risk.I was constantly telling that we are in middle zone so we are not taking such huge risk.we will enter in full throttle once i get confirmations.
    Now u can do is book 8 lots as we need a really really big move to shake that call price.After 20th dec it will die each day.If u feel after seeing some analysis that markets can still hit that level or even 5000 level then u can surely wait and take a risk of total loss by making sure ,u dont trade in such huge quantity.
    Still if u have any queries u can ask..good luck i am also stuck in that call but with just one lot.
