Tuesday, January 3, 2012

NIFTY options trading strategies for 4th jan 2011

hi friends,
              There are two category of people rite now .One who are entry level and they cannot afford to enter with full throttle rite now.One who have some experience now and they can and should enter with whole capital.

@bulan and most others:- It is always good to be on safe side.But watching from the shores and not riding waves becomes difficult.So take your call based on ur capital and ur experience and understanding.

Again i say the same thing,if you are entering with value worth 1 lakhs ,there cannot be ifs and buts so for them as the rise continues keep selling 5100 call Feb series.

Now ideally you could have entered 4300 put SELL in morning as the other side but now DEC 4300 put opportunity is gone still you can enter 4300 or 4200 put Feb series in SELL MODE.

I am gonna write calls as resistance of 5100 is strong enuf atleast on temporary basis.Today i sold 5100 feb at 46.Tomorrow again if rise continues some more lots i will enter.

Buyers there is some good news you can take risk now if we close above 4840 and above daily basis buy 5000 call Jan or Feb series as cost affordable.Target around 5100 or less

But again now the same task continues as to when can we assert the top has been made is little confusion so in such cases CALL writing comes in handy.

so as i said in last post weekly looks set for risk.

Trade with caution especially buyers ,writers have enuf cushion to actually start panic.

4300 to 5100 is huge range .So writes in these can be pretty safe unless a monthly reversal is made.


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