Monday, January 23, 2012

NIFTY options trading strategies for 24th jan 2011

hi friends,
              Nothings changed..waiting for a fall lets see what things span out.Dont add new positions.
Sorry for inconvenience but please update your bookmarks.I am changing my blog name to

please do it over the weekend so that i can continue to post my trades and strategies smoothly again from next week.

The new link will be available from Monday or tuesday so please update ur bookmarks.

thanks in advance


  1. after rbi policy still you believe downside is possible and if yes wht will be target?
    Your new link not working!says invalid kindly cheak

  2. I am only cashing on RSI,ROC which had reached mad overbot which will correct any waiting for that thing to happen but nifty has extended its stay in that zone.
    May be after expiry things will get back to reality.

  3. your blog really help me in making me my nifty options trading strategies thank you for this
