Sunday, January 22, 2012

NIFTY options trading strategies for 23th jan 2011

hi friends,
                 Again I am saying the same people are talking about new higher levels now but i still feel now RSI,ROC,MACD all have reached at mad overbot levels.It just a matter of time we are going to see a fall.
2 Possibilities emerge if we are in sideways then we may see a break of 5100 just by few points and followed by mad reversal.
2nd one is we take a resistance patch below 5099 last time high and we continue downwards.

Going higher cud had sufficed if we had case like indicators in middle zone.
My Put buy has turned in half the price i know but i had taken them in Feb series.So this is one more learning opportunity for me.
Lets see what pattern and indicators i follow support me or nifty puts on a totally different game.

Again the same rule applies believe in ur gameplan and enter.

so lets see when and how fall emerges.

              Sorry for inconvenience but please update your bookmarks.I am changing my blog name to

please do it over the weekend so that i can continue to post my trades and strategies smoothly again from next week.

The new link will be available from Monday or tuesday so please update ur bookmarks.

thanks in advance


  1. hello sir please guide me that should i buy 4900 puts or average my old 4800 and 4700 puts as bought earlier thanks in advance

  2. @anonymous:- If you are a trader for whom money really really matters no matter what then wait dont put any more money .But if you are not really tight on money you can average out the existing ones also .Let markets do some action then we will decide what to do.

    Let us figure out what action comes.
