Monday, January 16, 2012

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 17th January 2012

hi friends,
              I was not there as i was on vacation some days but still a long post before this i Have stated soon that jackpot opportunity is on cards.It may happen by markets hitting 4900 or max 4950 acc to charts.

A perfect alignment of RSI,MACD indicators has already formed 90%.Now its belief time.Believe in your trade setup and enter.

As told earlier today i entered in huge quantities in 4700,4800 FEB PUT as buy Options after long time in huge quantities.Let that setup pan out and boom double triple.On cards.

If you have still not entered take ur risk assessment and enter


  1. i bought 4800PE and 4700PE feb series it had fallen today what to do?

  2. Hi,

    Me too took these options in huge quantities and waiting for a fall. But markets are marching up.

    Also daily FII is buying 1000 crores of index futures. What do you think?

  3. @anonymous : I didnt get what u said by it had fallen today.Buy puts on rises is the key.How much is based on your capacity.

    @kumaresh:- Dont worry read my new post.We may have to wait till jan end also.So dont worry average out and enjoy the fall after some time soon.Markets cant climb beyond 500 points at a strech.
