Sunday, January 8, 2012

NIFTY options trading strategies for 9th jan 2011

hi friends,
              Nothing much has changed as i said if you have buyed calls wait for target of 4850 zone where you can exit calls .If you have still not entered the calls buy alteast below 4750 to get some butter on that trade.
Any such call buy has SL of 4700 and below close.

At 4850 I will continue my 5100 FEB call SELL strategy.

Some aggressive PUT BUY like 4700 PUT FEB series may be done at 4850.

So basically now setup looks simple and if you have been reading my posts earlier its a while now i am writing 5100 CALL so any reversal will not bother me means any fall from now i will be in huge profits.

bye tc

1 comment:

  1. Hello WB Ji, Friday I bought 4900CE @ 36 and saturday sold them @ 48. Today again bought them @ 33. Let's see what happens.
