Tuesday, January 10, 2012

NIFTY options trading strategies for 11th jan 2011

   If you have been following this blog you must had made wonderful bucks I had tried to minimize loss making trades to very less.Likewise i said I will give you indication to buy call/put only when we are certain.

Today that thing paid off handsomely.I exited my 4800 CALL today at peak becos my buy Target according to me has reached.

Going ahead nifty may rise from this breakout first step it will go to 4900 if we get close above that then 5100.

I am challenging monthly and hoping of not breaking it.SO my call write  5100 FEB series had 1 more lot addition.

Now ideally any kind of buy hold above 4850 carries a risk which you should decide by taking 5-EMA as lifeline.

Lets see if we fall on monthly basis after rise or markets decides to make something different.

You can buy aggressive 4800 puts FEB series but not in huge quantity.I am writing CALLS to get some more cushion.



  1. Hello WB Ji. I have bought 4900CE @ 33 2 days back and sold yesterday @ 66. Money doubled...although quantity is very less. But gaining confidence. Today I shall write 1 lot 5100CE FEB above 60, if possible.

    Thank You very much for this wonderful blog.

  2. Good play awesome .Now you can relax with your 5100 FEB CALL as we are into resistance zone.
