Wednesday, December 28, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 29th December 2011

Tomorrow last expiry ,There are only 2 possibilities 4700 broken and expiry close to 4700 like 4685 or convincing close above 4700 and expiry around 4750 likes.

Trade cautiously with options tomorrow.There are almost 10 times like opportunities tomorrow to be made.Like i said tomorrow if we break below 4700 then  4700 call can be at the end be at like 2 rs and in a flash close above 4700 it will become 20 rs or so and so magic 10 times making opportunities are there trade with care dont put ur capital for tomorrow take risk with your profits.

Be onlook for such trades.A 1000 rs put tomorrow can become 10000 in just 1 hrs be on the hook.
Dont enter too much early in morning the game will begin in afternoon after 1 o clock.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 28th December 2011

Same as yesterday nifty doin time pass although cautiousness ahead as nifty need to cross 4800 as early as possible.So all 4800 call buyers who have risked entry need to keep in mind that 4800 break and close above it means nifty will make a stint towards 4850-4900 where you can think of exit.

if you want to be hedge then write some upside call jan series and then dare to hold your long call.

Beware take your call on 4800 call based on your risk assessment.Lets see whether we break 4800 on upside or fall down.

Happy trading.

Monday, December 26, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 27th December 2011

hi friends,
                Typical dull market will begin as Christmas has begun.Although you must be seeing charts macd and other indicators have indicated if you want to be in trade buy 4800 call DEC/Jan series with first target of 20 sma 4820 likes and after that big resistance around 4850-4900.This is like i say take risk based on indicators like trade and can surely be winning.

bye tc


Sunday, December 25, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 26nd December 2011

Merry Christmas to all my blogmates,
                                                      Santa has already blessed me with nice trades and with profits and hope you also be blessed more with coming year .Happy Christmas ,year end to you all.

Now we enter the last week of the year,last expiry of the year,At start of this year we were at 6157 after that it was a total short year,Just every month short the rises.Now going ahead in coming year its gonna be 50-50% year.Its a year which is gonna be dominated by Nostradamus events,I had said in one of my last post.Its gonna be pretty volatile year.

Now why i say i need to be Hundred percent sure of trade i enter becos if u r entering say in rs 3000,5000,10000,25000 its ok but if u are gonna shift ur account to more than that big time,you cannot be on sidelines all the time but at the same times you cannot have the question of IF in mind at any cost.Taking SL on capital of 1 lakh entered is not a joke.

So as i enter in big quantities i feel the need to on safe sides so I keep on sayin that I prefer writing faar calls or puts as the situation may be.

But there are many people visiting site who are buyers and need to enter and cant wait all the time.So if u want to enter the trades here on Use pivots now .Nifty on Daily shows signs of some rise but at the same time we need to keep in mind how long you are gonna hold.So use charts to get out if you have doubled or tripled.

So if week pivot is broken you can enter in huge quantities as a signal trend is changing.
Monthly pivot break is a super bullish signal.

So what u can do is use day pivot to enter calls and puts and the same as stop loss and try it.I am trying to come up with mechanism so that i can be on during the enter time of trading activity.But rite now its not possible.

Lets see ,rite now as i had said 4700 above close on monthly basis will be needed by bulls to start something bullish.News flow will be of great impact in coming times.Any bad signs in Europe will bring pain.And getting stuck on bad side is more painful.

In mean time i will post the trade even if i feel they are risky and u can take ur judgmental call.

One favour i always expect from you people.Please post my blog link on ur social network ,ur forums where u are members or share with ur family members.

your comments are replied in earlier posts.If not ask in any new threads.  


Thursday, December 22, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 23nd December 2011

Can nifty have some patience.?It is in really fast and furious mode.I have my friends calling and telling that they are going mad with futures where overnite markets lifted 50 points and the made a run up of total 150 pts mind well many were trapped.

Nifty is driving madly as i said those who managed to enter 4300 put write were lucky ones ,i also had not thot that rally would unfold so fast and so soon.

Indicators are really confusing for me still lets see pivots are major support for us.Look for daily weekly monthly pivots if they start of cross we have a confirmed short term reversal.Else down time continues.

Still nifty cannot make moves more than 500 pts one sided so this rally will fizzle out.

Rises can be dealt by faar off call writings.So that you can relax.

Again buying can be done at ur risk,i feeling terrible to buy CALL/PUT any strike.I prefer staying sidelines writing faar CALLS if at all rise continues and wait for perfect opportunity.

If u want to fine tune your strategies,POST it in comments and i will answer you how u can win by finishing touches to ur strategy.

Please post my link on blogs forums where ever  you are active.

happy trading.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 22nd December 2011

hi friends,
               This bounce was expected reliance had gone in oversold zone and so they used reliance again for the bounce.Now still we are little faar away from what we call reversal.Such DEAD CAT BOUNCE are necessary in falls otherwise it is bad for markets.Such dead cats signify further falling and this becomes a nice cycle.

My wrong trade after long time which is DEC 5100 call is dead and i have lost hopes on that but I am nicely enjoying my ride on written calls at top and surely I am gonna win on those.So m relax.This is because i had chosen winning trades and even if i entered risky trade i was invested in small so giving me enuf cushion.

5100 call buyers like me who are stuck i told u we were gonna wait till 20th December i am gonna holding we are already butchered on that trade so no point covering now as my hopes of rises are lost.
You take ur own call on that.

as i had told in my last plot that aggressive traders can start 4300 put write have benefited a lot today i was not in that trade as i preferred staying out.

Put buyers like lets wait reversal is yet away markets are surely go down again but this time its high time to exit as u must be seeing charts we are approaching the bottom.

Like i said monthly close above 4700 is imp for them to start something like bull market but not necessary lets see whether that is targeted or we end down only.even deeper.

Share my blog link with your friends relatives.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 21st December 2011

    Everything remains the same as last post.we continue to hold whatever u have did like 4500 put or call writing.If u r in huge quantity u can think of exiting some of them.We are now just touching distance of oversold zone plus reliance was again used for the fall even tho reliance is in really oversold levels.
Be on the profit side if holding doesnt worry you much then surely hold we can see a continued fall.Else flat closing.

dont get too much exited to enter large.Once Christmas starts at around 22-23 volumes will drop.Chance to enter as short in this market is over now.No new shorts now...

Comments suggestions welcome.

NIFTY options trading strategies for 20th December 2011

hi friends, 
              Its great that you have entered in small quantities on that 4500 put becos.This fall is now talking of conclusion atleast temporarily.It good markets are taking nice pauses before heading down each time.A straight fall like recession brings volatile spikes.

So now this month end we need to close above 4700 to atleast think of bullishness can start in monthly frame.
So trade cautiously ,markets may just finish off this year with bears enjoying Christmas or mite do some small bounce back.SO we are entering in small quantities.

Now still also CALL selling can continue.Now the same thing applies to puts also people are just waiting if more fall happens and they are gonna purchase equities at damn cheap prices.Mutual fund guys are also waiting for the same so as a recession start or end level (4300) is really really obvious 4300 put writing will come.

But write now everyone is cautious with waiting for scene to unfold.
All those 4500 put buyers can exit at 4500 area. or can hold only if we get a closing below that.Finish the year in profit trade and wait for new.
I am still waiting for that jackpot opportunity on charts.But there are very different signals from various charts and indicators.SO hold is the key.

Aggressive traders can start writing 4300 put as i said.We are surely gonna see bounce from there .

Lets see what picture unfolds.



Sunday, December 18, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 19th December 2011

hi friends,
               Nice bull meat is being enjoyed by FII's as i said in last post more the people believe that one particular level has nice OI to act like a Wall is not at all true.It the process of make people believe one thing and then do the other.We just have to make sure two things most of the times.
During huge rallies and falls always follow 2 rules
1)be invested in whatever small quantity on right side of market
2)else don't be invested at all and enjoy being spectator at times.

people constantly want to be in trades and give stop loss. Options  at the end of year you will realize that stop loss trades account for 50% of ur trades and they make ur overall net position for the year nil.

My position rite now 4 lots shorted 5100 JAN SERIES when we were at 4800 when i had said write calls.
one put buy which i said risky for buyers make ur judgemental call going on.

Tomorrow game is simple.we are not waiting for more confirmation.Very limited quantity enter 4500 put but dont push the button like 10 lots or so.

I will let u know once we reach extremes and that time i am gonna enter big time.

happy trading.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 16th December 2011

hi friends,
               Trying to catch every rise and fall is not a task of CALL/PUT buyer.Trying to do this demands to enter in huge quantities .This happens when ur mind feels that markets will behave exactly you feel and market reverses and gives tremendous frustrations.Even if u catch a normal 400 pts rally in nifty every month u make thrice.

I was saying the same that we are in middle zone so buyers beware.But i wonder seeing the posts people are still purchasing calls.No offence you may be going by your analysis but markets are in such a mood that no support is taken and no resistance is unbreakable.If u want to enter in middle zone enter with 10% of ur capital.I have made such mistakes and so i know the amount of time and energy is consumed in recovering from losses.

Now what are we doing tomorrow RBI policy people are calling judgement day.But ideally speaking RBI policy cannot stop rupee breaking new highs I was just seeing dollar chart and it has confirmed a breakout and so rupee if doesn't stop the rise we are going down.

Only positive aspect for bulls is Reliance chart ,stochastic show reliance hitting oversold zone.Now how much they utilize reliance to bring markets up is a huge question.Any sharp moves on either side for reliance is not good for its like a wait and watch.Most indicators i follow are in middle area but nifty stochastic is below the zero line.

So may not be tomorrow but more the people believe 4700 is gonna stay more FII's are making a recipe for nice barbequed bulls.They are gonna enjoy that bull Meat on Christmas.

so i have written calls and enjoying because until and unless we get some good confirmation there is not point in going long on calls or puts.

still time is not lost tomorrow if we get some rally write calls.

any questions ask them.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 15th December 2011

hi friends,
               I was looking at most of the indicators to really see if they work identifying the overbot or oversold levels and the answers is no.Most indicators actually spend some time at top and then fall down.Last fall was like indicator hit the overbot level and boom it went people were left hapless.

So now as i said i have challenged the fact that 5100 will not be in morning only i have sold 5100 call January series.

Buyers its really not the good time to buy still as i said 4800 buy was good call.

That earlier call holding will continue till 20th December.


NIFTY OPTIONS trading strategies for 14th December 2011

hi friends,

No post yesterday as i was not feeling well .Now many of buyer friends must had got now how difficult it is to buy options in sideways trending market.You dont know when u will get trapped and markets will reverse and so i will advise such guys to get into some selling mode also.

This is becos we dont know the upside potential buy we surely know what levels markets are not likely to go above/below(the strong resistances) and we sell such calls or vice versa sell such puts.

Now i am challenging the fact that markets will not make a new high considering its making a lower highs.So i am doing is writing 5100 CALL JANUARY SERIES.

Reason being 5100 was reversal point and markets mite continue to make lower highs so any rally should fizzle out below 5100 only.

Now buyers what can i say I am advising you not to enter but still if u want to do it then buy 4800 put.This is risky as markets can fool short people also.Take ur risk assessment and then enter.
Let us reach at really oversold of overbot levels and we will enter in huge quantity.

Happy trading.

Monday, December 12, 2011

NIFTY OPTIONS trading strategies for 13th December 2011

Hi friends,
               Dont worry I admit that we missed this fall but nothing to worry.Like I told last time was true that there is no support for markets anywhere till 4700.
we are gonna fall again in coming days but i am not at all entering this fall unless some really good confirmations come up.

Strategy:-Hold ur calls they are potentially gonna be need to be taken as stop loss but we will look at action in near futures.Still 20th December is the deadline.

I was in this fall through 5200 call write.I have covered it at 11 bucks today.

Major culprit of this fall was reliance.

Dont try to catch that left over fall.

Major reason I was bluffed by markets becos indicators i refer reversed from middle only.

Again lets see price action and i will tell u what to do if we are heading to 4700 and what is picture after that.

Still as i entering in short quantities has payed off.

Shrug off this feeling of being left out the fall.

Lets wait and watch

Happy trading.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

NIFTY OPTIONS trading strategies for 12th December 2011

hi friends,

One favour i always expect from you people.Please post my blog link on ur social network ,ur forums where u are members or share with ur family members.

your comments are replied in earlier posts.If not ask in any new threads.         

There is not point in coming up with some theory about why markets fell showing them on charts.This is what most analyst do.But we have to admit it markets fooled us.This fooling is not dangerous if it does not cost us more until time premium starts eating our cake.
Going ahead markets have not even reached the upper band of resistance on last occasion also and this is real bad and it is reversing even without touching the falling resistance band.

we have to understand one thing about world markets that until banks don't collapse there is nothing to worry.
During recession of 2008-09 banks gave up and when financial institutions fail then there is tragedy.Even if business doesn't work then its OK we may enter a phase of slow growth but until financial institutions don't fail we are safe and as such scene is not happening  so markets are not reacting to bad news so fast.

Now Overnight Dow Jones is up overnight so now again markets will fool short openers.Markets are set to blast up and donut know how much that blast is gonna last but just like markets acted last time first they butchered buyers with a fall 100 pts and next butchering by again 70 pts fall.

We can relax guys but this is dangerous for futures and they cause such swings as they have to run to cover.Now again if markets make mad rally on Monday of say 500 pts then shorters will be butchered.
So either side is getting screwed up and this is why i ask people to enter short qty in middle good learning.

Now going ahead my strategy looks simple looks like those band resistances are not gonna broken so easily.So as a safe bet i m gonna start selling 5400 CALL SELL JANUARY SERIES

Becos there is not point in predicting or analysing upside.

Mean time if i get a good confirmation i will surely tell u guys if u can buy puts .

I dont want  u to buy something and give away ur money to sellers.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 9th December 2011

hi friends,
               Dont panic.This is what happens in middle zone.That's y i had said long time back that when in middle zone enter with very less capital than ur normally trades.We get wide moves on one side followed by very reversal moves at the same time.The same thing happens in consolidation or sideways moves.

So what mistakes people make often is that they enter in sideways and get stuck and they make a trade to counter that trade and gets stuck.So this will be nice learning for you.

Again we need to keep dates in mind 20 December is deadline for buyers.We can't hold call buy for more than 20 December just to give sellers our time premium.

Now u must had got why did i just had recommended 5200 call write in middle zone.such whipsaw's can be tolerated by buyers.

so 5200 call writers continue to hold.
5100 ,5200 call buyers also continue to hold.But now don't wait for more confirmations 5150 hit and start buying 5400 puts or 5300 puts and writers can start selling 5500 CALL.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 8th December 2011

hi friends,
              Again somehow we breached 5050 on nifty in nice fashion but now u can clearly see the steam is getting exhausted.Still my logic and experience says we are heading up till 5150 and i am firm on that.

Lets us first reach there and start accumulating puts like even in between markets reverses and starts downtrend then we are still saved.

Calls buyed earlier hold.
Puts holded on wrong sides exit.

On reaching 5170 zone write 5500 CALL writing and slowly steadily 5400 put buying.

I will tell you at what time to open shorts in full throttle.

Till then cautious approach continues.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Few guidelines trading ahead.!!!!!!!!

Your questions ,queries are valuable to me and you deserve to get it solved so if u r commenting to a too old post.Just drop me a mail or reply to recent post stating what query needs to be solved.

@abhay: and few others who have entered in 4500 puts buy are in real danger tomorrow is 7th December means its matter of time when time premium will start acting on you.

If loosing money doesn't matter to u then wait till expiry ,one bad news will bring good news for you.

Dont play emotional when u start feeling markets will fall,that when it makes a reversal.

So put buyers u r really stuck especially far ones.IF ur puts are December wait till if 5050 is overtaken if yes exit half as a stop loss and just hope that after hitting 5150 will fall.

Avoid making such rampant trades in future.

Happy trading

Monday, December 5, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 7th December 2011

Hi friends ,
                 Comments to previous section has been replied.People have not read my previous post neatly i guess.I have given in detail the zones.

Rite now we are creating a strong base to head past 5050.Any attempts to this were foiled for today going ahead.Now those who have taken a risk of buying 5200 calls need to understand few thing.

Now as u have entered risky trade and strength is behind watch out for 5150 zone.2 times markets have retreated .

last time.we have hit 4700 3 times and now heading to hit 4th time .So call buyers exit at 5150 zone and wait for confirmation whether this merry ride will continue or not.

5200 call sell i am also holding ,it is in minute loss but no worries big time yet markets moving higher vix is killing the price out of  it.Exit ur 5200 call sell only if it moves past 5200 dont panic.Writing requires patience.

Rest everything remains like what i have said in my last post.

pour in ur questions and suggestions.

Happy trading.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 5th December 2011

Hi friends,
              Back again Again from few replies I see that most of you will feel tempted again to hold calls as the rally was just awesome.But Again i am saying the same the greed factor comes you should have habit to catch rally early and leave early rather than aiming from Everest top.

I know we have already exited and our calls rose few more but this feels good only when u r in small quantities,In case of large quantities u should square off early only.

What we are seeing now I have taken a stock of daily,weekly,monthly.

As some of the people said nifty needs to cross above 5050,But we have closed on border.So Here is the scene.

Daily- Resistance at 5050 ,5130-70 zone from where we rallied back down see the chart attached.
           Peak resistance if 5150 zone gets broken is 5380 zone.
           Support:- No support that's the real danger of these small rallies.Markets are not taking any support at below levels of if i ask u to enter calls and sudden reversal means suicide and loss of all the money earned till now.

Weekly:- falling weekly resistance at 5300,5350 zone.Again for weekly remains the same. No support for bottoms.So markets simply slide down to 4700 levels.

 Monthly :-  channel resistances at 5400 zone where we fell.

Of these i don't think we will head back to these levels as we are making lower highs and so any attempt to make newer high means downtrend is weakening.

So strategy going ahead

Daily:- one of the member asked whether we can buy calls .Looking after the chart seems like strength is back again but it would be very danger to do so reason being that no support for markets below till 4700.
So i leave the decision upto you if u want to take risk enter with first hand exit at 5150 around zone.Again if this zone also is broken then 5200 would be the peak.

Again the same logic if on daily basis we hit the 5150 zone we can start buying 5300 puts.If u want to be sure shot winner 5500 call sell at that level would be just a awesome trade.

Weekly:-On daily we may fly high but weekly closing basis above 5380 will not be good for bears.So again same logic beware weekly closings and plan ur exit if u r in puts.
Ideal case if u have purchased calls exit at levels given on daily and buy puts but remember the danger sign level of 5400 and above closing will be harmful for put buyers.So stop loss is 5500 if u r into puts at higher levels.

Monthly basis:- Again same you can enter calls ,levels are given by me but again once we hit the top again the same 5400 and above closing is real danger sign for large downtrend.So our stop loss area is 5500 if u r into puts at top levels.

Happy trading




Thursday, December 1, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 2nd December 2011

Hi friends,
Comments for previous post are replied.

One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.
Awesome rally this is what i was talking of nifty behaviour.First Butcher the shorters with wings and in next shot cut their hands and legs to let them panic.

Some of u must had got out at exiting prices.4300 put writers must had exited as we hit 10 bucks.

As i said we have topped the middle zone where there was no consolidation at all.
Now we watch for a confirm break above 5100 or breakdown but again the same issue now persists how will we know whether we have topped out and we are gonna see some fall or we are gonna see start of new rally.

 We are gonna wait for some confirmation last time we went to this zone and again back to 4700 so caution ahead.I feel some steam is still left.We might go higher but how much cant be buying is strictly prohibited.

Still now I am sure of only one thing. fallin weekly trendline has holded nicely whose top zone resistance is at 5200 to 5300 zone.

so one can sell 5200 dec call that only guaranteed trade for tomorrow for some days once we reach that one can think of buyin puts.

Now we have to resolve whether markets come into new zone or again stray back in previous zone.

Wait and watch.

Happy trading.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for 1st December 2011

Hi friends,
                 Nothing much has changed since yesterday.We are still slowly moving up or we may enter a consolidation period.One thing we need to watch is that December will start so those with December buy will slowly start feeling the pinch of time premium still a long time for expiry.
We are still keeping our first target as 5000 zone to exit.Once we reach 5000 zone we short 5400 calls but not rite now.

So 4300 put sellers exit at 10 bucks and if u want to be in trade write 5200 call December ..yes not January.

Buyers wait and watch nothing else we can do we will exit at top and decide whether we will open fresh shorts or what.Till then relax and enjoy

keep ur comments coming.

bye tc

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 30th november 2011

Hi friends,

Comments for previous post are replied.

One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.

A long post but please read it.

I am most amazed at today's comments and i surely welcome them.I would want to highlight a story of the Man who had a hen which gave him

golden eggs.But one day he decided to have all eggs at once and what he had was a regret of lifetime.

People have tendency to do things like follow blindly and then end up joining the herd of sheeps.Sheeps in the herd blindly follow the next one

and if one at the front falls from the mountain everyone will fall.

I got a call from a friend in morning saying ..what kinda tips u are giving today u said that markets will rise and markets actually fell.This thing is

what i hate most.

Dont follow me blindly.We are on the winning page since 10 days .,that does not mean we will be always.If such thing wud happens everyone wud

give up doin efforts and do trading all the time.

So I want to classify two people on my site : 1)who are searching for tips and who will get screwed madly if my analysis fails someday and they

have entered big time..2)Who feel our flow is going on nicely and they are themselves doin some their research before entering the trade.If  u dont

know how to search i am trying to explain them day by day.

Options= PATIENCE. If u think that markets will rise or fall on our wish daily that is not gonna happen i have seen nifty doin time pass for 4

months where writers were winning .there was a time since two weeks buyers are winning.

So a good trader will listen to the leanings first and then get mastered himself.

what i am posting markets are behaving the same way but tomorrow if it doesn't we rethink our strategies.I make sure that we don't enter any Stop

loss making trades as options doesn't have stop loss I have seen days when i am holding call or put and i have won on the last day ,last hour of

expiry as i was firm on my analysis ,at times i have lost also big,so after that i decide to add such days to my rule book.

There may be a trend u have found out ,if any share it.

With options i am doing is following KISS strategy.Keep it straight and simple.

Moment we talk of levels then things start getting dangerous.I will talk levels only when i will be 100% sure.Rest times we are trying to enter and

catch zones from oversold to middle to overbot.

So until we are in form enjoy ,if we are not we have to wait.

In options if u dont get golden egg in one month.It will surely in next month.

Some 2 months back nifty was between 4700 to 5000 zone for 55 days before breakout happened and nifty ended to 4640 levels again.Those 55 days were really testing times for buyers.

Now getting back to our main topic of what we are doing tomorrow

There were few comments why we have change the focus of square off from 4900 to 5000 becos Nifty follows a particular behaviour and I wanted to confirm whether we have really made a reversal or it was just a fakeout.As we made a new high today i presume we are gonna go to 5000 so step by step we can decide whether we exit or wait.

Again i advise the same those who have money in their bags can wait to catch the tops but others start squaring off at the zone.

Again tommorow there mite be case that i say 5000 and it may go to 5200 but as a good trader a rally from 4640 neckline for 4900 call to todays high has already doubled his money.So how much greed u can tolerate its upto you.

One more thing is stop the regret of early square off .This hampers the trading as this leads to delay in square off further and thus ending up holding in loss.

Rest if we again fall tomorrow dont panic i had already mentioned in my previous posts we are in middle zone still so thus we are not entering in full throttle.So hold ur calls

4300 put writers continue to hold
4900 call buyers if u hv not entered earlier enter only if we get a fall.Else now there is no point entering new still u can but not more 2 lots.

IF we hit 500 kinda levels exit ur 90% of ur position keep limited for left over rally.

Lets see.

Hope u understand this.

happy trading keep ur suggestions ur knowledge ur trades as inputs and contribute.


Monday, November 28, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 29th november 2011

hi friends,
               All those people who had dropped comments have been replied see the respective threads.
One small favour i always expect if u feel u r earning some bucks following this blog do take few minutes to send a link to your blog,facebook,ur emailing lists,your yahoo groups as favour to me.
Please take some time to post link of my blog to forums or any social media you visit.
Going ahead 4300 put sellers as i said must be enjoying a lot.Same as 4900 Call Buyers are also enjoying. Neckline support is confirmed.

Going ahead call buyers can now ride the wave up but word of caution starts at 5000.I expect this rally to last till 5000 minimum.

So square off at that levels and i will tell you what to do next .Rite now nothing changes only one thing remains whatever u hv entered just hold for nifty till 5000 min.

Again i am not seeing that much traffic.Please add my blog to your blog list in profile as a favor to me.

enjoy happy trading.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

NIFTY options trading strategies for november 28th november 2011

Thanks people as i said during day times i am at times unable to have access to some Internet sites so i am not able to give detailed updates.Plus traffic to the blog is very less rite now so i dont know at times i get no comments to at times 10 plus comments.

so daily updates will be helped if u people are sure of replying overwhelmingly then i can think of reading the blog on live basis.

comments to previous posts are replied

Now where are we on the picture overall.Members and few people who have just joined i just want to say you have joined in a so called recession period to be start it may be start of good times or calmness before a raging storm.

so i am advising caution and we have already made some winning trades but we cant go on winning streak all times.But staying away from turbulent markets is no good.There is some saying that we cant adjust the storm but we can surely adjust the sail and try to survive.But surely we are trying to come up with some game plan for success.

So those who have won until today i will say the real battle begins now.You are surely gonna need the expert advise.

So game plan is as follows.First of all.Markets flirting with 4700 is not a good sign. 4640 zone the neckline will not give up is my firm belief and i hope markets proves my theory right ,else i will have to rethink on strategies ahead but nifty below 4700 will be in a known zone.where support resistance are known.

Watch out markets are flirting with 4700 and start of new series so no major game plans will be in stores rite now for fii's.But 4640 zone frequent kissing is not a good sign a major support is usually kissed 3 times for max after which comes is decisive move.So now one more kiss and bounce means we will be on high alerts especially buyers of calls.

so 4900 call buyers ,i had already told u to enter with caution,some money in pocket traders who are in huge quantity can do square off even for 20% gains ,making loss making trades is useless idea.but for learning's its no worry.Make sure u r in such a money with which loosing will not matter.I have lost my own hard earned money but i hv no regrets i had made really bad trades in past but now i know where to take risk and where not.

We never know when suddenly FII will start feeling Indian policy like FDI will be good and buyin will come.

SO word of caution 4640 and below just exit calls whatever price it is .

So now i am feeling a bounce but when cant be said so 4300 put writing continues only if we are below 4750 else no new fresh entries.Call buying can be done 4900 only if below 4750.I would also recommend entering January series now.

You can also short outside calls higher than 5200.Once we get the bounce of 200 pts.

Still the same thing continues as i said dont enter in large quantities now.

bye tc